10 Sep We need an End of the World to Feel Alive
I didn’t know particle accelerators were such a big fuss until I heard of the Large Hadron Collider myself 5 days ago. Can’t say I’m really psyched about it (“Que sera, sera”), but one thing is certain, people are acting much more interesting than they did before the imminent “Apocalypse” had been announced. It’s like they’re all reaching out to grasp for air, like they suddenly become alive and shake off their solid contemporary-specific boredom. I even met a couple who had decided to engage (or that’s what they were joking about) because they didn’t want to die and end it all without taking this step.
Of course, the reactions of my acquaintances alone wouldn’t have been reason enough for me to mention the LHC scientific project on my blog. I tend to despise mass hysteria. But one thing I cannot understand is how the experiment got into the press in the first place. Such things are usually kept under a deep silence as man defying God experiments always attract conflicting opinions. But this time around even Google decided to celebrate. Local press has been in a boil with live transmissions and death scenarios. And though the project has been launched several hours ago, we are not dead yet. Seems extinction had been postponed to the 21st of October, when protons will truly clash. I wonder what the press will bring up next, if we won’t die then either. So there are several things I want to do before I die:
- Estimate the increased incomes of hypermarkets as people rush to buy what they truly dream of before they die
- Estimate the tendency to rise/fall of violence across the globe because of this LHC buzz
- Live the rest 70 years I deserve to live
So yeah, I believe it’s about income after all. But it also concerns human rights. Still, somebody attracted my attention that if I have the right to live, everybody else has the right to be stupid from time to time. That includes the over 1000 scientists we will blame in case of disaster.
Also, there are other things that concern me more than the end of the world at the moment. I think that is true for most of us.
Posted at 15:16h, 10 September“There are grounds for cautios optimism that we may now be near the end of the search for the ultimate laws of nature” Stephen Hawking.
I was actually surprised to see people not being aware about the existence-purpose of the LHC.
We can marvel via you tube. “The search for the Higgs” (because that s what it s all about : ) at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_fJ6PMfnz2E
Broke-Ass Bride
Posted at 22:37h, 14 SeptemberI just love the title of this posting too much.
xo, Broke-Ass Bride